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Away Beyond the Blue One Star Belongs to You Lyrics

Can you believe that this little chick right here is already three months old?? By the time Garrett was three months old I had documented every single drop of drool that hit his chin, but it's not looking so hot for Caroline. My blogging mojo has still not returned even though I'm waiting patiently for it to come back.

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Between you and me, though?  It's HARD, y'all! This sweet baby right here?  My goodness.  I love her so much but wow this new baby gig is so incredibly tough some days.

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Even though the newborn phase is officially over, I'm still doing good just to eat breakfast and take a shower everyday.  Most days I get to do both of those things while that sweet girl up there screams her pretty little head off. She is sleeping ok at night, usually getting up once around 3 am and going back down pretty easily (thankyouJesus) but the daytime is just awful.

baby caroline

Specifically the afternoons.

Pretty much every day she starts crying around noon and doesn't stop until we finally wrestle her to sleep around 6 pm.  I've tried swaddling and shushing and rocking and dosing her up with Colic Calm.  I diffuse the most soothing essential oils and keep her changed and fed.  But nope.  She's not having any of it. Even car rides don't work– she screams all the way through the carpool line and all the way home most days.  Poor Garrett is so very patient with her.  The love he has for his baby sister is completely immeasurable.  He just BURSTS with happiness when he sees her after school, he misses her so much.

These two right here are the greatest things I've ever done in my entire life.

feeding the baby

So, as you can imagine, most of my plates have completely stopped spinning and crashed to the ground while we get through these first few months. I know that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass. When the days are particularly rough I just stop and take deep breaths and look her right in the eye and give her a big grin. And SOMETIMES I'm rewarded with a big grin in return.


And that's when all those screams become oh, so worth it.  She is such a blessing to our family, and one smile from her beautiful little face can erase any anxiety from my body.  I still cannot believe that I have a daughter.  She is a gift from God that I never asked for but am so blessed to receive.

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So, before we get all sappy up in here, let me show you the reason for this post– the rest of the nursery reveal!

Y'all have already seen the cloud artwork I made above the crib .  And after much deliberation on the paint color I finally settled on Behr Manhattan Mist.  I wanted the color to be calm and soothing (HA!), but also neutral.  Manhattan Mist is a very light blue with a hint of periwinkle.

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At first the periwinkle/purple undertone freaked me out, but the more I looked at it the more I really loved it.

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I decided to use the giant wooden star in this room for a very special reason.

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And that reason is right here.

Do you guys know this song?

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Away beyond the blue
One star belongs to you
This life is but a dream
Go gently down the stream…

These are lyrics taken from the song "Beyond the Blue" by Emmylou Harris and Patty Griffin, two of my all-time favorite singer/songwriters in the history of ever ever.  I have wanted to use this lyric in my house some way for a very long time, so what better place than my baby girl's nursery with that one special star hanging on the wall?

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I seriously can't think of any better place for it, especially after the crazy year that we've had around here.

Even though I don't row, row, row my boat anymore, I still love going gently down the stream.  And even on the hardest days my life is but a dream that I wouldn't trade for all the stars in the heavens. Thank you, Lord, for my precious miracle babies.

big brother and baby sister
