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Microsoft Dynamics Crm Task Management Solution

Your 360° view extends from the sales stage all the way to invoicing. Access automatically compiled data (in the app or in Power BI) and address any concerns directly with the responsible person.

Streamlined processes for approval, project and invoice management will see you spend less time on routine tasks while having more control over project estimates, structures and milestones.

This business app helps you track time and expenses for project tasks and do it quickly, simply and precisely. Don't worry about mistakes, you can correct them before submitting.

proRM Fast Start in Dynamics 365 helps you professionalize your organization's project management in an easy way. Project managers will quickly see that they are spending less time on routine tasks. Project team members too will find themselves with optimized workloads (thanks to better planning by their superiors). The bottom line is less administrative costs, increased productivity and higher revenue.

proRM Fast Start lets you manage sales and projects in one solution. It is made up of four features that support project resources and project managers alike.

  • Project Gantt
  • proMX

  • Tracking
  • proMX

  • Approval Manager
  • proMX

  • Invoicing Manager
  • proMX


Make a seamless transition from sales to project management. Create project structures in Project Gantt (you could use a project template) and immediately assign resources to individual project tasks. To avoid conflicting commitments or resource shortages, display all your other ongoing and upcoming projects in the same view. Learn more in this video.


Employees who have been assigned to a project task can now track their time and expenses. Details for each booking include which project task they were working on, at which time, a description of the work carried out, a note whether this work is billable or not. Public holidays, vacations and other absences can also be recorded. Find out more in this video.


Project managers find all submitted bookings in this feature, where they can filter them according to their needs. Minor mistakes can be corrected instantly with the help of the in-line editing function. By "unapproving" an entry and directing it back to its creator, he or she can take care of the issue. Both possibilities ensure accurate bookings for the invoicing process. See how it works.


Conclude each invoicing period with a flawless bill – and do so stress-free. Invoicing Manager simplifies the process. You load approved bookings into the application, drag and drop them from one side of the window to the other - and your invoice is ready and can be sent to the customer. See the process in a video.

Purpose-built apps for your industry

proMX's project management solutions meet the needs of many businesses. Get to know five use cases with our white paper.


Thanks to proRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365, we are able to save on average 15 percent of the present working hours in each of our business areas. This way we can react faster and offer improved services to our customers.

Rudi Wolf, IT-Project Manager


Improved project control and powerful reporting have enabled us to access data in real-time, quickly schedule available capacities and react in an agile manner to demands.

Lars Ziegler, IT-Manager

The best way to determine if proRM Fast Start is right for you is to try it first-hand.
Start your free trial in your browser without any download to experience all the advantages.


Microsoft Dynamics Crm Task Management Solution
