WP Cost Reckoner – if you're searching for a smart, simple tool that allows you to hands create toll estimation forms to give your clients the opportunity to get data well-nigh your services and products costs you are in the correct place.

WP Cost Figurer helps you to build any type of estimation forms on a few piece of cake steps. The plugin offers its own drag-due north-drop calculation form builder. Moreover, you can create an unlimited number of calculation forms and insert them on any page or mail.

⭐ WP Toll Reckoner PRO
⭐ WP Price Reckoner Demo
⭐ Documentation

Our plugin is congenital super easy for the visitors of your WordPress website, Cost Calculator is very suitable if services or products are variable, and there are many options to estimate the cost. Practice y'all need to make a price figurer to know your project cost? – this tool is for yous, Loan Calculator? – only install our plugin. Tabular array Order? – Easy. The possibilities are unlimited. Permit the WP Price Calculator become your virtual assistant and increase the conversion of your website.

10 Various Reckoner Elements:
○ Input Box
○ Total / Subtotal
○ Quantity Box
○ Dropdown Box
○ Toggle Button
○ Radio Push
○ Checkbox
○ Range Slider
○ HTML Code
○ Horizontal Line

Price Calculator Architect PRO – Premium version includes the post-obit features and functions:
○ Woocommerce Integration
○ Stripe & PayPal Integration
○ Orders Dashboard
○ Contact Form 7 Integration
○ Appointment Picker Calculator Element
○ Multi Range Slider Calculator Element
○ File Upload Figurer Chemical element
○ Prototype Dropdown Calculator Element

Watch the Plugin Demo hither


You tin can give a value to any element of the form and it will automatically affect the total price.

Also, y'all can assign your own calculation formula with the ability to add, subtract, multiply and dissever elements of the class. Integrate your forms in your pages using shortcodes.

Don't worry about customization, Freely customize colors, fonts, background color, etc.

This plugin suit to sell highly customizable products or services or provide mathematical help for your site visitors:
– Car Rental Agencies
– Graphic & Web Designers
– Retail & Modest Concern
– Medical Services
– SEO Agencies
– Printing Business
– Hosting Companies
– Delivery Services
– Venue Rentals
– Dazzler Salons
– Renovation Services
– Tuition Fees
– Wedding Planner
– Energy Consumption
– Trucking
– Textile Industry
– Trunk Mass Index
– And Much More

Cost Calculator Customs on Facebook

You lot can visit our Price Calculator group or product page on Facebook and get the news, updates, advices by sharing your thoughts or viewing the posts.

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This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Delight find more details on Plugin Installation in documentation
  4. Set up Page in Menu -> Calculator Builder.

Too, you can import the demo sample using Tools -> Import -> WordPress Import.
Demo sample XML file included in plugin archive.

Not even the calculator is great, the back up is groovy too.

I had some problems with the plugin but the fast support helped me right away! Thanks a lot

Piece of cake to use and good UI. But they are very skilful at using "!important". 155 times exactly. Also, an older version of the pro version breaks everything if non updated.

Hola, necesito añadir unos costes fijos que estén siempre presentes en el desglose total, sin necesidad de que el usuario rellene nada en la calculadora. ¿Sería posible? Muchas gracias.

Works like a charm, it does what it supposed to do and information technology's easy to ready.

Read all 91 reviews

"Toll Computer Builder" is open source software. The post-obit people accept contributed to this plugin.


  • Stylemix


Ready: STMMailChimpBase redeclaration mistake.


Fix: Bug with notification on dashboard after activation of plugin
Fix: Organisation information (beneath the pricing plans) on Upgrade Folio is static
Gear up: Visual bug with value and price in Total Summary of reckoner


New: MailChimp Integration. The notification with options to add the user's data in our newsletters later on activating the plugin


  • stock-still: HTML and Line custom elements comes upwards on the body of bulletin, when Contact Class seven is enabled
  • fixed: Text content is not displaying on Checkout, when WooCheckout function is enabled
  • fixed: Hibernate Zero values function does not work in Total Summary field
  • fixed: Curlicue bar of estimator architect interferes of frontend calculator scroll bar
  • stock-still: Font Settings changes does non work in Customize department for Total Summary
  • fixed: Bug with lodge total value


  • update: Compatibility with WordPress 5.nine


  • new: Added the actress new set of styles for Price Estimator dashboard
  • new: Options Label on Email
  • fixed: Removed Freemius SDK from plugin'south core (come across the previous update about Freemius SDK)
  • stock-still: Edited 'Dublicate' to 'Indistinguishable' word on push in builder panel
  • fixed: Full Custom Element do non work with If-Else atmospheric condition. Fixed
  • fixed: Order is not commencing later submitting the button on Alive or Demo Calcualtor
  • fixed: Correct validation earlier creating the lodge
  • fixed: Counters practice not work on Dropdown Slider Custom Element


  • new: Freemius SDK for ameliorate analytics (generally for us the developers)
  • fixed: Visual overlapping bug with Edit and Duplicate buttons on deployed custom elements
  • fixed: Bug with id generation for custom figurer elements on architect
  • fixed: Bug with replacing element values in a formula
  • fixed: Bug with counting formula in Full custom element
  • fixed: Bug with default displaying the decimals on quantity field


  • new: Horizontal and vertical views for checkbox, radio buttons, and toggle fields.
  • new: 'Enable Currency Settings' option for quantity field.
  • fixed: Quantity field tin be decimal.
  • fixed: Condition behance in formula for Full Fields


  • new: Indistinguishable option for estimator elements
  • new: Default hidden choice for reckoner elements
  • new: Add "(re-create)" to the titles of duplicated calculators
  • fixed: Bugfixes in Totals logic
  • fixed: Submit button customization fixes


  • updated: Compatibility update with Toll Estimator Pro v2.two.0
  • fixed: Full fields custom order
  • fixed: Total fields' Additional classes
  • fixed: Symbols advent in calculator title


  • updated: Checkbox and toggle elements updated
  • updated: Refactoring and update of the Pro version code


  • added: Bulk delete action and bulk duplicate activeness
  • updated: Flow chart changes, chart node input and output points ready to 8 each
  • updated: Show direction by arrows for status link
  • updated: Changes in coordinates logic
  • updated: Setting tab, general block style changes and minor style changes
  • updated: Import/Export characteristic
  • fixed: Correct conditions show for old version information
  • fixed: Date departure in woocommerce checkout
  • stock-still: Bug on moving the node/link coordinates
  • fixed: Custom range circumvolve color for each calculator on one page


  • updated: Required option to Datepicker field
  • stock-still: Elements in the condition tab overlap
  • fixed: Required fields consequence
  • stock-still: Range slider custom color
  • fixed: Condition to the HTML and text area elements
  • added: Admin notifications


  • stock-still: Calculator disappearing issue after updating.


  • added: Ability to display tooltips in the frontend for Toggle Button and Checkbox elements.
  • added: Ability to display tooltips in the frontend for Toggle Button and Checkbox elements.
  • added: Ability changing input fields colour in Customize menu.
  • added: All elements' field titles.
  • added: Clarification Position option to display the description before or afterwards element.
  • added: Show Alternative Symbol option in Total element.
  • added: Hide Empty Options setting for Full Summary
  • improvement: Detailed calculations for Range Push button element to exist displayed in Contact Form messages
  • stock-still: Cannot enter decimal numbers in Quantity fields at iPhone / iPad (Safari, Chrome), Mac(Safari).
  • fixed: Range Slider does not brandish thousands separator.
  • fixed: The number of days is not counted for Date Picker field. (*pro).
  • stock-still: Estimator championship is not displayed in WooCommerce cart(*pro).


  • added: ccb_custom_importer hook to run calculators import automatically during the demo content import of the theme layout.


  • stock-still: Woo Products problems.


  • fixed: Checkbox option characterization fixed on Vertical Total Summary.
  • stock-still: Load scripts and styles at all pages.
  • fixed: Big Calculator data is not being saved.
  • stock-still: Date format on Email. (*pro)
  • fixed: Captcha v2 does not piece of work. (*pro)
  • fixed: Export/Import Calculators Condition bug. (*pro)
  • stock-still: Multi-range is non displaying for Second Calculator on the aforementioned page. (*pro)


  • improvement: WooCommerce Products feature integrated
  • upd: Settings Patch added


  • improvement: Show full Checkbox Description on Horizontal View
  • fixed: Range Button Default Value is not applying
  • fixed: Calendar Datepicker outcome on Safari
  • fixed: Customize > Quantity field width result
  • fixed: Customize > Submit Push > Hover effects problems
  • stock-still: Customize > Font settings > Text position bug
  • fixed: Customize tab is not opening for New Calculators
  • stock-still: Import empty calculators
  • fixed: Dashboard visual bugs


  • upd: Compatibility with WordPress v.7
  • improvement: 'My Calculators' section added as plugins' main page in dashboard
  • comeback: Customizer section moved to Figurer page tabs
  • improvement: Figurer changes saved without page reloading
  • improvement: Confirmation added before 'delete' action


  • Security update
  • stock-still: "Is Unlike Than" condition issues
  • stock-still: Radio Button conditional bugs


  • stock-still: Range slider bug
  • stock-still: dashboard visual bugs and responsiveness errors


  • fixed: Range button toolbar viscous position on scroll
  • stock-still: Additional classes are non practical to the elements
  • stock-still: The style of the last calculator is applied to all calculators when ii or more calculators are added to the single folio
  • fixed: Checkbox colour settings
  • fixed: Export button does not work on empty list
  • stock-still: Range field max and min values bug
  • fixed: Length settings for Line element


  • upd: Condition information refactoring and restructure
  • fixed: Issue with saving big calculators fixed
  • fixed: Disharmonize with themes' jQuery scripts solved
  • fixed: Enqueue script society changed


  • fixed: Range slider handle position fixed on front-end and on dashboard preview
  • fixed: Issue with the aforementioned option values of 1 element (Dropdown, Radio, Checkbox, Toggle elements)
  • upd: compatibility with WordPress five.6


  • stock-still: Preview pick for calculators with conditions (*pro)
  • stock-still: Default value wasn't practical when weather added (*pro)
  • fixed: Pocket-size bug fixes
  • comeback: Required fields feature added (*pro)
  • fixed: Small-scale bug fixes


  • fixed: Toggle and Checkbox values advent in Total summary
  • fixed: Date Picker appearance


  • Round value bug fixed.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Added: Google reCAPTCHA v3 (*pro).
  • Added: Switcher for google reCAPTCHA (*pro).
  • Added: Customizer for header titles.
  • Lodash version conflicts bug fixed.
  • Improved estimator responsiveness.
  • Conflict with Lazy Loading plugins stock-still.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • CF7 message torso conflict with symbols stock-still. (*pro)
  • Salvage custom styles bug stock-still.
  • Range field conflict with id fixed.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Added: Stripe currency format. (*pro).
  • Tin't translate text 'Submit' fixed *(pro).
  • Html field bug fixed.
  • Duplicate figurer bug fixed.
  • Checkbox color issues fixed.
  • PHP 7.4 errors fixed.


  • Update Freemius SDK (*pro)
  • Issues with option proper noun fixed.
  • Redeclare office problems fixed.
  • Minor problems fixes.


  • Save settings issues fixed.
  • Conflict with edit with Elementor plugin fixed.
  • Checkbox view fixed.
  • Bug with unit row stock-still.
  • Problems with Stripe payment fixed. (*pro)
  • Range slider does not piece of work on mobile fixed.
  • Minor problems fixes.


  • Render widgets VC & Elementor
  • Radio field bug fixed
  • Pocket-sized bug fixes


  • New Multi-range field added
  • New Toggle button field added
  • Frontend redesigned
  • Admin folio redesigned
  • Weather System – New Unset action added
  • Customize bugs fixed


  • Text symbols problem fixed


  • Checkboxes with the same value calculation bug stock-still
  • Horizontal Calculator displaying issue fixed


  • Pocket-size problems fixes


  • Modest bug fixes


  • Currency problems fixed
  • Checkbox adding bug fixed
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Form Information currency problems fixed
  • Course Data checkbox labels bug fixed
  • Duplicate Estimator issues stock-still
  • Import/Export calculators issues fixed
  • Pocket-sized bug fixes


  • Undefined Colour mistake fixed
  • Text area new line error stock-still
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Customize Calculator front bugs fixed
  • Settings button
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Customize Calculator bugs fixed
  • Formula problems fixed
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Submit button text field added
  • Range Button Circumvolve Color bug fixed
  • Small problems fixes


  • Pocket-size bug fixes


  • Small-scale bug fixes


  • One click demo import/export
  • Currency settings issues stock-still
  • Radio button not clickable bug fixed
  • Small-scale bug fixes


  • Remove field issue stock-still
  • Indistinguishable Calc issue fixed
  • Pocket-sized bug fixes


  • Remove !of import from inline styles
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Existent-time Customizer feature added – lets y'all edit your figurer style in real time.
  • Decimals trouble stock-still
  • Minor problems fixes


  • Html field problems fixed
  • Bug with currency fixed
  • Bug Full field with space fixed
  • Edit/Save reload the aforementioned folio
  • Pocket-size issues fixes


  • Pocket-sized bug fixes


  • Description field
  • Indistinguishable estimator
  • Send subtotals an email
  • Agenda view bug stock-still
  • Preloader on redirect/loading calculator
  • Minor problems fixes


  • Checkboxes problem fixed
  • Hibernate/Show descriptions
  • Pocket-sized bug fixes


  • Preview trouble stock-still


  • Labels problem stock-still


  • Vertical & Horizontal IDs conflict fixed.
  • Pocket-size bug fixes.


  • Default Value field included to all Elements.


  • Fixed problem with subdomain/subfolder websites.


  • Small-scale issues fixes.


  • Refactoring.


  • Minor problems fixes.


  • Commencement Version of Plugin.